Professional BoatBuilder #176 Dec/Jan 2019

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Professional BoatBuilder Magazine

December/January 2019

On the cover: Scott Cann, project manager at Emerald Harbor Marine (EHM), pulls wiring for a new Triducer on the Nordhavn 47 Epoch. After returning a horizontal line on the screen at the 10' (3.05m) depth reading, the unit was replaced, but the problem persisted. Scott Allen, the yacht's owner, EHM's staff, and Furuno's technicians were flummoxed. "The best hypothesis is the location of the Triducer relative to the keel-a resonance issue of some sort," Allen reported. Story on page 18. Photograph by Dieter Loibner.


  • Owner on Board: by Dieter Loibner.  A Seattle yard specializing in Nordhavn refits encourages boat owners to participate in the work.
  • A Tale of Two Companies: by Nigel Calder.  The quest for efficiency, reliability, and profitability in electrical and hybrid propulsion.
  • Repowering on the Gulf Coast: by Dan Spurr.  Midship Marine's and Incat Crowther's installation of new main engines in two New England passenger ferries required complex structural alterations.
  • Modular to the Max: by Hans Buitelaar.  Out-of-the-hull component building can save time and labor and offer more choices to buyers of production boats.
  • Letters, Etc.: Readers comment on connections to threaded terminals; risks of low-grade shorting and voltage drops; placing blame for tariffs; and best practices for blocking and chocking.
  • Rovings : compiled by Dan Spurr.  Beneteau's AirStep; the Rockler Plywood Challenge; Allan Brown's Tales from Thunderboat Row; a history of British offshore powerboat racing; and an update from Westlawn.
  • Parting Shot: by Kiko Villalon.  An industry veteran points to declining boat registrations in the U.S. and proposes an effort to recruit new boaters.
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