Download the entire (1-34) collection of Martime Life and Traditions magazine.
These are PDF files, identical to the originals, zipped to be in one folder. You download, upzip, and then you have them on your local drive. We suggest you make a back-up.
PLEASE BE SURE YOU HAVE A FAST CONNECTION. This file is about 1-1/2 gigabytes, which means if you don't have a 10 or 20mbps connection, don't do it. Even a T1 is a bit slow for this. Not sure what your download (yes, be sure to look at download, not upload) speed is? Try a site like
These PDF files are best read with Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is a free program. Using preview or your iPad's iBooks section may scramble content. Yes, there is a free Acrobat reader app for the iPad and iPhone.
Why bother to download when you could buy the stick? You'll be reading the issues within 24 hours... and likely much sooner. And you won't have to wait for your postal person to deliver (overseas that could mean weeks) nor will you have to pay any shipping... or customs/duties. And, with the flash drive, we're going to tell you to copy the contents to your local drive for faster access AND safety of the files, as flash drives can fail, or get erased. So you might as well download! We only warrant the flash drive for 30 days...