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January/February 2015
Rebirth of a Westport Pond Boat - An exact copy of a derelict original by Tim Sullivan
Catching Up with Meade Gougeon - The ever-fertile mind of a counter-revolutionary craftsman by Jim Brown
CAPRICE and GHOST - The unlikely return of the Sound Interclub class by Matthew P. Murphy
Making Cabin Trim for CAPRICE and GHOST by Matthew P. Murphy
Motorboats of the Future - Nigel Irens and the fast and frugal power cruiser by Nic Compton
A Strip-Built Baidarka Part 1 - Simple beauty in a complex and highly functional kayak by Rob Macks
A Dream Fulfilled - Staying on-task for the charter boat DAVID B's conversion by Christine Smith
Sailing Off the Anchor - A matter of careful preparation and planning by Bruce Halabisky
This issue does not have a "Getting Started" supplement.
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