Perhaps the most satisfying task in wooden boat building is planking, as this is the point when all the planning that went into the boat bears fruit.
Finally, all the elements are here-the flowing lines, the lovely sheer, the enclosed space. Now it looks like a boat. Gathered here is the information necessary for preparing to plank, clamping the planks in place, fastening the planks to the structure, and finishing off. The advice is based on actual projects, some large, some small; the advisors are all expert wooden boatbuilders. This book is a gold mine of information that will help and encourage readers with the building of a new boat or the repair of an old one.
Part of The WoodenBoat Series, this book is a compilation of articles that have appeared in WoodenBoat magazine.
Table of Contents:
Lining off Planking
Plank Curvature
A Drying Rack for Planking Stock
The Mechanics of Fastening Wood
A Close Look at Wood Screws
Bungs A Few Pointers
Making and Setting Bungs
Clamps in the Boatshop
A Wooden Clamp You Can Build Yourself
Small Clamps for Small Boats
Lining, Spiling, and Geting Out a Plank
Carvel Planking Tips from a Professional
Planking the Morgan
Edge-Setting Planks
Wedge-Seam Construction
The Butt Block Part 1 and 2
A Plank Scarfing Jig
A Plank Scriber
Moldless Lapstrake Planking
Lapstrake Planking Tips from Two Pros.
Lapstrake Planking, English Style
The Norwegian Finger Clamp
The Brenne Clamp
Rivet and Rove, English Style
Clench Nailing
Plywood Lapstrake Construction
Ultralight Plywood Planking
Sheet Plywood Planking
Stich-and Glue
Scarfs and Butts in Plywood Planking
A Scarfing Jig for Plywood
Strip Planking
Wood Planking, Epoxy Coating
Cutters for Strip Planking
Glass-Foam Fairing Blocks
Strip Diagonal Planking
Backyard Vacuum Bagging
Rethinking Diagonal Planking
edited by Peter Spectre
170 pp., softcover
9 x 11"
ISBN # 0-937822-41-8