How to Build the Footy Model PRESTO (slightly damaged)

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 Built from solid balsa, PRESTO complies with the Footy model rules by fitting into the 12" x 6" box... on the diagonal, to give her just a bit more length.

The book is packed with step-by-step building photos, suppliers materials including radio control units, a reduced sized complete set of building plans (yes, you could scale-up) a lengthy intro to the evolution of the PRESTO design, as well some Flavio sketches for ideas of other boats.

Is the model considered a beginner project? No, not really.

88 pp., softcover
8.5 x 11"

Take advantage of the lower prices of these slightly damaged books. These books have been returned, are slightly bunged or scuffed. None of these books are severely damaged, ie; ripped pages, water stained, and the like. They are perfectly readable, useable books.

Please note: slightly damaged books are sold as non-returnable.



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